Powerful Quit Smoking Tip – Bananas

Bananas for quit smoking

So how useful are bananas for quit smoking? As the image shows – very!!


Among the many benefits of eating bananas, is the fact that they contain B vitamins and minerals that help reduce the effects of nicotine withdrawal when quitting smoking. This occurs at both a physical and psychological level.


In our Quit Cigarette in 60 minutes program, we provide our clients with 20 natural approaches to significantly reduce and/or eliminate the effects of nicotine withdrawal when quitting. Bananas are part of one of these 20 natural approaches we give our clients!

So how many bananas will you be eating today?



If you would like to find out more re our Quit cigarettes in 60 minutes program to help you quit smoking, simply call 1300 983 717 or click on the Book your Free Consultation button to catch up & discuss how this program will benefit you.

To your optimum health & well being

Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717