Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Caffeine

Caffeine for Weight Loss

So what is the downside of drinking caffeine for Weight Loss?

Caffeine increases adrenaline in your body. This in turn elevates sugar levels which causes you to store fat! There are many natural & healthy ways to become alert and energized. Examples include energetic and fun music, brisk walking, exercise, breathing meditation, something inspirational eg story or a movie, drinking plenty of water, coconut water etc etc So you really don’t need to ever use caffeine for this purpose.

But beyond weight gain, caffeine should also be avoided for other important reasons,

Firstly, caffeine can acutely affect the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, arrhythmia, and in some individuals, heart palpitations).

Secondly, it affects the digestive system (ulcers, diarrhea, stomach upsets & reduction in nutrient absorption).

Some other consequences of caffeine intake are restlessness, muscle tremors, sleeplessness, anxiety, irritability, chronic fatigue and headaches. Breast cancer in women and bladder cancer in men can also be linked to caffeine intake.

So if you drink caffeine beverages regularly, make an effort to cut down to only a small amount or, even better, quit altogether. You’ll be so glad you did – drinking caffeine for Weight Loss just doesn’t make any sense!!


To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj

Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre

1300 983 717