Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Whey

Whey for Weight loss

So how beneficial is whey for weight loss?

Whey is promoted and sold as a health product in the health & wellness industries. It is promoted as a food supplement and a healthy enhancement for people in the fitness industry. So you might think that it would be v good for weight loss. In reality, it is a waste & a product that is dangerous to health.

It is a serious toxic by-product of the dairy industry, a milk protein discarded after production of cows’ milk.

Whey is a known neurotoxin that causes dysbiosis & all kinds of digestive problems as well as kidney & liver problems.

Two other adverse affects of whey are malnutrition & the ceasing of other enzyme production.

The other major concern is that large food manufacturers put whey into everything from bread, lollies, ice cream, soup mix, cookies, sauces on frozen products, muffins & beverages – almost everything on our supermarket shelves. It is used as a cheap substitute ingredient.

Some cakes & biscuits on the supermarket shelves contain more whey than flour. Whey also serves as a cheap substitute for sugar, eggs, skim-milk and flour.

So how beneficial is whey for weight loss? Not at all!

So next time you’re in the supermarket, check out carefully the ingredients of the foods you buy & see how many of them contain some whey!


To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj

Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre

1300 983 717