In our first post on this topic, we began discussing the benefits of happiness for weight loss?
Let’s see how being happy relates to weight loss. You see, unchecked and unresolved, negative emotions fill you up with poisin, whereas happiness & laughter secrete endorphins & serotonins – together they induce a feeling of well being. These hormones are also known as the HAPPY hormones!
The Happy hormones = Improved Health & Improved Recovery times
Research indicates that laughter either “natural or forced” deepens the person’s breathing, increases oxygen flow, helps balance blood pressure, reduces anxiety & generally makes you FEEL better.
And as we all know, when you’re healthier & your well-being improves, in this case due to laughter & happiness, your weight just naturally heads in the right direction!
So what is it that makes you happy – family, music, reading, exercise, holidays, movies, going out with friends, going shopping, etc etc etc ?
Whatever it happens to be for you, it’s important to make time for this in your daily/weekly routine. The ideal is to find activities that make you happy that are also congruent with your ideal weight goals, thereby killing 2 birds with the one stone. These could include exercise, cooking healthy meals, meditating, spending quality time with family & friends that might also involve being outdoor and active etc etc
As the popular song goes – DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY!!
To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717