Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Worry 2

Worry for Weight Loss

In our previous post, we discussed the significance of worry for weight loss? In this post, we’re going to learn a powerful & fun strategy to deal with our worries quickly, easily & effectively!!

So if you feel like worrying, simply apply these 3 simple rules.

Firstly, pick a day & time during the week, which you’ll make your worry hour.

Secondly, never worry standing up, always sitting down.

Thirdly, never worry after 6pm!

If something comes up during the week & you want to worry about it, simply write it down & leave it for your worry hour each week.

So every week, at your worry hour, go to your worry room with your worry list & take out your worry chair & start worrying!

This worry hour is a great time to talk about your worries once a week with friends or proper counsel. Its amazing how this will work!

You will find that all the solutions to the 7% of your worries that you can actually do something about, will pop up.

No point wasting all our lives on that 90% that will never happen or killing ourselves prematurely on that 3%. The 3% is going to happen anyway, the 90% never does!

So the only thing to worry about is the 7%!

So for the next week, give this worry strategy a go & let me know how you find it!! This will instil further the importance of worry for weight loss

To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj

Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre

1300 983 717