Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Skipping

Remember skipping at school during primary school? What fun we had! Did you know that because skipping is a strenuous aerobic exercise, its an awesome way to achieve weight loss! It’s something that you can do in the comfort and convenience of your home. You only need a skipping rope that is the right length for your height.…
Powerful Quit Smoking Tip – Lobellia

Lobelia – helps quit smoking There are many natural therapies/techniques that can assist someone wanting to quit smoking. They differ in terms of how they help, but generally they either help remove toxins from the body, lessen the craving to smoke or reduce the side effects from quitting. Lobelia is very beneficial in lessening the…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Green tea

Although green tea is very useful for weight loss, there are at least 12 benefits to drinking green tea. For example, green tea: 1) Helps burn fat 2) Protects against heart disease & strokes 3) Improves your immunity 4) Can help lower blood pressure 5) Help protect against diabetes 6) Can protect against Alzheimer’s disease…