Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Fun

In this post we are going to focus on the paramount importance of FUN for weight loss! What is one way we can almost guarantee someone reaches their ideal weight? MAKE THE JOURNEY AS FUN AS POSSIBLE! What do most people want to do more of in their lives? What do they find the easiest…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Flexibility 7

In this 7th post in this series, we’re going to continue discussing flexibility when it comes to goal achievement knowing that PEOPLE ALWAYS MAKE THE BEST CHOICE AVAILABLE & how this relates to flexibility for weight loss! What does this NLP principle mean? Although people always make the best choice available to them, it does…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Flexibility 6

In this 6th post in this series, we’re going to continue discussing Flexibility when it comes to goal achievement knowing that BEHIND EVERY BEHAVIOUR IS A POSITIVE INTENTION & how this relates to flexibility for weight loss! What does this NLP principle mean? Let me use 2 examples from one of ideal weight my clients…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Flexibility 5

In this 5th post in this series, we’re going to continue discussing Flexibility when it comes to goal achievement using CAUSE & EFFECT & how this relates to flexibility for weight loss! What does the NLP concept of CAUSE & EFFECT mean? It would have to be one of the most powerful principles from NLP!…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Flexibility 4

In this 4th post in this series, we’re going to continue discussing Flexibility when it comes to goal achievement using PATTERN INTERRUPTS & how this relates to flexibility for weight loss! What does the NLP concept of PATTERN INTERRUPTS relate to? To efficiently get through each day with the myriad of tasks we need to…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Flexibility 3

In this 3rd post in this series, we’re going to continue discussing Flexibility when it comes to goal achievement – more specifically, the importance of flexibility for weight loss! In this post, we’re going to discuss the powerful law from NLP called THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FAILURE, ONLY FEEDBACK. The best example of…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Flexibility 2

In this 2nd post in this series, we’re going to continue discussing Flexibility when it comes to goal achievement – more specifically, the importance of flexibility for weight loss! In this post, we’re going to discuss the powerful law from NLP call LAW OF REQUISITE VARIETY. Last week we discussed the famous scientist Albert Einstein.…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Flexibility

In this series of posts, we’re going to discuss Flexibility when it comes to goal achievement – more specifically, what is the importance of flexibility for weight loss? When people have issues in their lives, its generally a result of inflexibility in their thinking towards the specific problem. NLP’s core focus is giving clients more…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Journey

So what is the Importance of the journey for weight loss, compared to the destination? As the quote says – Success is a journey, not the destination! So yes, we’re aiming for our ideal weight using our program, but we want to enjoy the process of achieving this as much as possible! As we know…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Cravings

So what is the significance of food cravings for weight loss? If you have a look at most people’s supermarket trolleys at the checkout, you’ll notice that most people consume a significant amount of refined & processed carbohydrates. Everything is processed & reprocessed, then packed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes. What happens when you…