Powerful Stress Reduction Tip

So why is stress reduction so important? You see, we face a stress epidemic today. Experts estimate 90% of all modern disease is caused by or complicated by stress. In addition, 75-90% of all doctor’s visits are due to stress-related ailments. Stress builds up in the environment and creates a breeding ground for crime, violence,…
Powerful Quit Smoking Tip – Multivitamins

In today’s quit smoking tip, we’re going to discuss how mutlivitamins can help you quit smoking. Smoking causes deficiency of a number of vital nutrients in our body. This can be replenished by supplements of Vitamin A, C and E. These also help in coping up with the withdrawal symptoms of smoking. Vitamin A is…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Meditation Pt 4

The Importance of Meditation for Weight loss Pt 4 So how important is meditation for weight loss? As we saw it Parts 1-3 – Very! In this Meditation for Weight loss post, we’re going to discuss the major benefits of meditation. The time that you invest in meditation pays big dividends in all the…
Powerful Overcoming Fear Tip 2

So how do you overcome fear? Continuing our series of Fear Truths, let’s consider our final Fear Truth : Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness. In her awesome book, Feel the Fear & do it anyway, Susan Jeffers states that people that…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Meditation Pt 3

The Importance of Meditation for Weight loss Pt 3 So how important is meditation for weight loss? As we saw it Part 1 & 2 – Very! In this Meditation for Weight loss post, we’re going to discuss the importance of focusing on your chakras via meditation. The goal of focusing on your chakras…
Powerful Quit Smoking Tip – Quit Date

So after you have made an honest list of all the things you like & dislike about smoking, as well as another list of why quitting won’t be easy and how you will address these challenges, the next step to quit smoking is to set a quit date. Writing a “quit smoking date contract” that…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Meditation Pt 2

The Importance of Meditation for Weight loss Pt 2 So how important is meditation for weight loss? As we saw it Part 1 – Very! In this Meditation for Weight loss post, we’re going to discuss the different type of chakras. We have seven basic chakras that we can tune into, much like we…
Powerful Overcome Fear Tip

So how do you overcome fear? Let’s consider Fear Truth 4 of 5 : Not only am I going to experience fear whenever I’m on unfamiliar territory, but so is everyone else! In her awesome book, Feel the Fear & do it anyway, Susan Jeffers states that many of us are oblivious to the fact that…
Powerful Quit Smoking Tip – Success Stories

There are many natural therapies/techniques that can assist someone wanting to quit smoking. They differ in terms of how they help, but generally they either (a) help remove toxins from the body, (b) lessen the craving to smoke (c) remove the desire to smoke, (d) reduce the side effects from quitting among other things. One…
Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Meditation

The Importance of Meditation for Weight loss Pt 1 So how important is meditation for weight loss? Very! It also helps in all the six major areas of life, including health & fitness, relationships, personal growth & development, spirituality, wealth & your business or career. We will be focusing on the Chakras Meditation for weight…