Most people wonder “Can anyone be hypnotised?”. If you’ve ever doubted the power of hypnosis or thought that it couldn’t possibly work for you, you’re not alone! This is a very common question people have, especially if they haven’t had hypnosis in the past!
So what is hypnosis?
How does it work & why might it be what I’m looking for?
Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. It is state where your mind is intensely focused and more open to positive suggestions.
It’s not magic – its science. It has been carefully researched and has proven its effectiveness for a whole range of conditions, ranging from quit smoking, weight loss, anxiety, drinking less etc.

It uses the natural capabilities of your mind to facilitate change and empower you in ways you might not have imagined possible.
Duirng hypnosis, you enter a deeply relaxed state.
Your subconscious mind becomes more accessible, allowing us to work together to instkl positive change.
Its is like programming a GPS system.
We input new, healthier directions that guide your thughts and actions.

Many wonder whether they are capable of being hypnotised. Most people can be – provided that are willing and want the change the hypnotherapist is helping them achieve.
Its about being receptive, curious and open to the experience – willing to just give it a go.
Are you ready to explore how hypnosis can help you overcome your challenges, achieve your goals and improve your life? Just imagine how your life would be so much better every single day as a result!
Now that we’ve covered the question “Can anyone be hypnotised?”, let’s dispel the myths and doubts together.
Contact me NOW!
Embrace change and make it happen!
To your success!!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717