And can Hypnosis help you quit smoking?
Imagine for a moment if you could stop smoking this Year ……..
Lots of smokers wish that they could stop – even though they might not admit it!
They worry that a life without cigarettes would not be as enjoyable and that they would feel deprived …….
That fear of giving up is actually CREATED by cigarettes!
You never wanted to fall into the nicotine trap
Cigarettes are designed to ensure that you do – and that you stay there!
HYPNOSIS can help you live a happy life – free of cigarettes and vapes!
Hypnosis deals with the mental addiction to cigarettes
The feelings of deprivation are removed
The mental software is updated!
If you are motivated to break free because of
- Your children
- Your grandchildren, or
- Your health!
Hypnosis session can be tailored to YOU
They will focus on your personal reasons to give up smoking & will show you the reasons to stopEven if you have tried to stop & relapsed
Hypnosis can help you be motivated to stop smoking – and stay stopped!
Hypnosis can help you break the connection – the triggers – to smoke!
Hypnosis can help you feel positive about becoming a non-smoker!
Begin to look forward to your last cigarette – ever!

If you book your quit smoking session by 31/1/22, you’ll be eligible for a $50 discount off your investment – just quote this promotion. LIMITED TO THE FIRST 20 PEOPLE!
CALL NOW! And choose the easy way to be a smoke – free you and quit smoking in 2022
Nothing changes if nothing changes
To your optimum Health, Well being & Success!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717