Hypnosis and Anxiety

Hypnosis and Anxiety 2

Constantly worried? Racing heart? Nagging sense of dread? Feeling nervous and petrified? Let’s discuss hypnosis and anxiety and see just how hypnosis can help.

Anxiety reveals itself in many, many ways in our busy lives!

It can cause sleepless nights, impact your ability to focus for any length of time and drain your energy. These symptoms can be debilitating and alarming.

They not only affect your mental and emotional well-being, but they can also take a major toll on your physical and mental health as well as your relationships. Left unchecked, anxiety can ruin lives, not only that of the sufferer but also their family, friends and work colleagues – in fact anyone that they come in contact with!

But don’t worry or get alarmed – there is hope!

Hypnosis offers a powerful, chemical-free and holistic approach to addressing anxiety and all of its negative consequences. Hypnosis works by firstly guiding you into a state of very deep relaxation. Once deeply relaxed, your unconscious mind becomes more and more open to positive suggestions and thereby to change.

In this state, you can reframe negative thoughts, release pent up stress, tension and anxiety and develop far better, stronger and healthier coping mechanisms.

Hypnosis is a natural process that empowers you from within. Its a state that we go into up to 120 times per day – anytime that your doing any task on auto-pilot. For example, when you are driving, engrossed in a movie or a book and daydreaming. It helps you regain control over your thoughts and emotions, leading to lasting change and dramatically improved your mental health.

If you are struggling with anxiety, don’t wait another moment!

Having now discussed hypnosis and anxiety and clearly seeing how hypnosis can help you overcome anxiety, contact me NOW and take the first step towards a calmer, more fulfilling life!!

To your every success!



Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre

1300 983 717