Maybe you want to quit smoking, lose weight or drink less? Maybe you are dealing with anxiety, stress or self doubt? What about improve your writing skills, public speaking or even just being a better parent or partner to your spouse? Or you may be looking to increase your confidence and motivation. So let’s delve deeper into hypnosis and self-improvement and see how it can help us achieve our goals.
Self-improvement is a lifelong journey that really never ends. There is always something to work on or improve to become a better version of you, especially as we move through the different stages of life and our priorities change. Traditional methods of self-improvement – books, blogs, podcasts, TV, videos, seminars or counselling are all excellent tools. But there is another way to unlock your inner potential in a deeper, more effective and fun way

It is not about making you do things you don’t want to do. Hypnosis is a scientifically supported therapeutic technique that facilitates focused atention, reduces peripheral awareness and heightens suggestibility
A qualified hypnotist will guide you to a place where your subconscious mind is more accessible to suggestions tailored to your specific goals
Over time, new thought patterns replace the old helping you to achieve your self-improvement targets. Great results are quick, lasting and safe
If self-improvement is your desire, no matter area of life you would like to focus on, hypnosis is your answer
So now that we’ve delved deeper into hypnosis and self-improvement and you can clearly see how hypnosis can help you achieve your goals, contact me NOW on 1300 983 717 OR send me an email on

To the EXCITING NEW YOU that is just waiting to be uncovered!!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717