Ready to kick a habit this Stoptober? Smoking? Drinking? Gambling? Overeating? Drugs? Gaming? Social Media? Let’s discuss hypnosis and Stoptober and see how it can help and make a HUGE difference in your life.
Whatever is holding you back from kicking your undesired habit, you’re not alone! Millions of people globally struggle to get rid of their undesired habits every year, all around the globe!
But this year, why not HIT PAUSE! Stoptober is your chance to RESET and reap the massive, massive benefits of doing so!
Health Shaky? Wallet thin? Relationships strained? Struggling at work?
Time to switch gears! Time to do something about this, once and for all!
Hypnosis can be your game changer – it can make all the difference to you!
Imagine a deep dive into relaxation, peace and tranquility, rewiring the mental triggers that make you reach for that cigarette, drug, food, gambling device or bottle.
Your cravings meet their match, once and for all!
Your subconscious mind becomes flooded with empowering, positive and powerful messages, swapping temptation for much, much better, positive choices.

Hypnosis offers you battle plan – a mental GPS to navigate the maze of your urges and finally overcome them for good!
Now that we have discussed hypnosis and Stoptober, don’t wait! Call me NOW!
Make this Stoptober YOUR turning point. Choose hypnosis. Choose a better you. Choose a better LIFE!
Let’s make the most of this STOPTOBER!!
Here we need some more white text to space out the previous & next paragraphs.
To the better YOU!
this is so much fun typing in white text just for spacing reasons. I absolutely love it!!
We are almost at our word limit now – every extra word gets us just that little bit closer and closer
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717