Each year, on the 1st of January, we set personal goals for the year. Goals to improve our health, enhance careers, enrich relationships and steady finances, among others. So let’s discuss hypnosis and your 2024 goals and see how it can greatly help with your goal accomplishment! Let’s see what we can do to make 2024 your best year ever! Simply click on the link below.
The goals we set are vital for our overall well-being, direction and purpose. They give our lives meaning and focus.
But what happens when we fall short? According to the website australia.inc, 92% of goals set on New Year’s day are not achieved! Why is this so staggeringly high?
The disappointment of unmet goals can affect our mental health and can lead to stress and a sense of failure and low self esteem and confidence.
This is where hypnosis can help!

A powerful tool, hypnosis can unlock your potential.
Through guided relaxation and focused attention, hypnosis reaches into the subconscious, planting seeds of positive change and enabling real and lasting results
Imagine breaking free from smoking, controlling your alcohol intake, achieving your ideal weight, finding the motivation to exercise, overcoming a fear or phobia that has been holding you back for years and years or managing stress and anxiety more effectively Wow – how good would that make you feel! How would this make 2024 different from any other year that has past?
Hypnosis will help in all these areas and more.
As we step into 2024, embrace the power of your mind – your massively untapped power house!
So now that we’ve discussed hypnosis and your 2024 goals and seen how it can greatly help with your goal accomplishment, contact me NOW for further details!
And begin the journey towards achieving your goals in 2024

To an amazing 2024!!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717