Do you ever feel like you lack the motivation to stick to your fitness goals? Is your body simply unable to keep up with your workout regimen? There is a way to unlock the potential of your MIND and help you achieve your targets. So let’s explore hypnosis for total fitness and motivation and see what benefits hypnosis can provide to the fitness enthusiast.
Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility. It is a self-improvement tool & will enhance fitness and motivation. In a hypnotic state, your mind is more open to positive suggestions making it easier for you to adopt new habits and responses.
For fitness enthusiasts, hypnosis will help you achieve your aims and increase your motivation to exercise regularly. It will tap into your subconscious mind to uncover underlying reasons why you may have been avoiding exercise in the past. Once these reasons are addressed, you will find that you’re more motivated to hit the gym or go for a run.

By accessing your subconscious mind, hypnosis can help you envision yourself performing at your best and will even increase your physical strength and endurance. This can help you push through tough workouts and allow you to achieve your fitness goals …. FASTER!

It will support your physical targets. It can help you resist unhealthy food cravings, reduce stress and anxiety and improve your sleep quality, all of which play a role in your overall wellbeing.
So having discussed hypnosis for total fitness and motivation and seen what benefits hypnosis can provide to the fitness enthusiast, contact me NOW for more details!

To your Fitness Success!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717