Drink Less
Break down the habitual nature of drinking & get back in control!

Here is what Lily wrote 3 months after starting our program:
"After a divorce and becoming a single mother I was anxious and managing a lot. I hadn't realised that I was fast becoming dependent on my consumption of alcohol. The routine was a glass whilst cooking dinner, and another at dinner and before I knew it a bottle a night wasn't unusual for me, then each night became a ritual. I realised after 5 years of this, it was a habit I needed to manage with additional help. I had tried many alternatives that only lasted a few months. Then, life happens and once again the dependence takes me hostage.
I am so grateful to Ian and his amazing techniques and professionalism. I never felt judged or useless. Ian's calmness and approach were amazing.
What I didn't acknowledge at the time, was that the hypnotherapy would unpack more than I had imagined, allowing me to connect the dots and identify the why regarding the motivation towards drinking. Following the process, trusting the process enabled me to follow through. My goal was to not drink alone, elimate alcohol during the week, and only allow myself a few glasses during the weekend. Fast forward 3 months, and I forget at times that the weekend has come and gone to which the desire for alcohol has reduced. I am proud that I can go without and whilst I have given myself permission on the weekends, being in control has revolutised my approach. I highly encourage anyone who feels stuck and wants to get a hold on their drinking. It is liberating and gratifying. Once you have the tools, resources and apply them, your life will be better off. I have clarity, I am in control and my funds aren't being dedicated by alcohol anymore."
Frightening Alcohol Statistics
Did you know these recent statistics re alcohol consumption in Australia:
- Alcohol is the most widely used drug in Australia
- Alcohol costs society $15.3 billion annually
- 1 in 10 workers say they have experienced the negative effects of a co-worker’s use of alcohol
- Alcohol caused more than twice as many deaths (3,494) than road accidents (1,600) in 2005

After only one session of the program, Kevin reduced his drinking by more than 80%!
The Long-Term Health Risks
Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems including:
- High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems
- Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon
- Learning and memory problems, including dementia
- Mental health problems, including depression and anxiety
- Social problems, including lost productivity, family problems, and unemployment
- Alcohol dependence, or alcoholism
Justin said: “Ian is a thorough professional, and I was very happy to have his assistance. I truly believe he cares for this clients and he has given me a few techniques to use to reach my goal. I particularly like the ‘swish’!
If you think the program might work for you, give it a go! I have no hesitation in recommending Ian.”
When Alcohol becomes a problem
Many people reach for an alcoholic drink out habit or as a way to relax at the end of a long day - BUT if any of the following are answered with a ‘yes’ it may be that alcohol is becoming a problem:
- Drinking getting out of control?
- Drinking too much alcohol?
- Spending too much on alcohol?
- Boredom drinking?
- Stressed and drinking?
- Weight gain from over drinking?
- Alcohol is affecting your relationships?
- Binge drinking?
- Drinking alcohol on your own?
- Thinking that only a few drinks per week is unrealistic?
- Have an overwhelming need for alcohol?
- Waking in the middle of the night due to alcohol?
- Using alcohol to get to sleep?
- Determined on a Monday to drink less this week?
- Feeling hung-over and groggy is spoiling your weekend?
- Can't remember much of the night before?
- Ashamed of your behaviour?
- Offended people whilst you were drunk?
- Aggressive or angry when you drink?
- Your children are unhappy with your alcohol drinking?
Mark said: “I've really enjoyed not having to give up completely. It's been a challenging time to do this being Christmas & New Year, but I've really been able to look at my attitude towards drinking & change it. The program has great tools to help you along the way. But for me, the best result was changing the way I think about drinking. I now feel a lot more in control!”
The Drink Less Alcohol Program

The drink less alcohol program is not for alcoholics. There is a big need for people who recognise that their drinking sometimes interferes with their lives in negative ways such as: procrastination, stress, anxiety, low self esteem and depression.
We are a culture of drinkers, which we kindly support. However, sometimes we use alcohol as an emotional crutch that leads us down the slippery slope of another drink to forget, to forgive, etc.
We believe that alcohol is the symptom not the cause of over drinking and that the desire to drink more than we would like to is an emotional habit. An emotional habit that can be unlearnt!
We believe that it is unrealistic to attempt to stop a someone drinking completely, so the aim of our program is to reduce the alcohol intake to a more moderate and acceptable level.
Walter said: “I've made a huge progress in reduction of intake of alcohol within just 2 sessions and I'm heading in the right direction to achieve my goal”
What Is Involved?
The drink less alcohol program is a three session program designed to:
- Help you become very aware of the circumstances where you are drinking
- Make you consciously aware of your drinking habits
- Help you take responsibility for your drinking, and easily follow a plan for reduction
Our program is a three session program. One session per week, for three weeks.
You will also receive a support CD/Recording to listen to in between your sessions.
This program requires some conscious effort and commitment on your part. Hypnosis, however. does make change a lot easier. In addition, you will receive some important guidelines to follow. The more you follow these guidelines, the greater your success will be.
Dave said: “It has highlighted the triggers that cause me to drink”
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"I was suffering what I describe as mini panic attacks walking 150 metres across the city bridge. This included a need to avoid walking close to people, sweating, irrational thoughts and sometimes running off as I neared the end. ..... As a result of the 1 hour session I can now comfortably walk the bridge and I now have no issues with travelling the escalators."
Rob H, Qld
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