Six Major areas of Life

Integral Neuro Linguistic Programming (iNLP) advocates the pursuit of excellence in all endeavours. As part of this, it focuses a lot of attention on goal setting and achievement. In fact, it’s the study of how to integrally and linguistically affect a person’s neurology in order to achieve a desired outcome or goal.
iNLP places great emphasis on having goals in all areas of life. For the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on the 6 areas of life that Jim Rohn, the famous US motivational speaker, described. These include:

Personal development – if you ignore this area, how are you ever going to improve over time – i.e. become a better person tomorrow than you are today? How will things change if you don’t?
Business & Career – how is your financial situation going to improve if you don’t work on improving your own individual standard & skills?
Health & Fitness – What is the point of being dead or worse still, getting really sick or being a cripple, and wishing you were dead?
Family & home life – family is forever! Remember, it’s always great to have family around, especially when things don’t go so well in life – and these things do happen!
Social – All work, no play – boring! We must have some balance.
Spiritual – If you inherit the earth, but lose your soul, what is the point?
In our next article, we’ll discuss the importance of paying attention to each of these 6 areas.
Until next time, here’s to your wealth, health & happiness!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre –using the power of the unconscious mind to achieve personal growth & success
Ph 1300 983 717
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