Six Major areas of Life - Assessment

We’ve now talked about the importance of having goals as well as balance in each of the 6 major areas of life.

When we start reflecting on our future goals, it’s useful to start to dwell on which of the 6 major areas of life should receive more of our attention moving forward. How does one decide this?
There is powerful process in NLP called creating a compelling future and we’ll use part of this process to answer this question.
So let’s begin by being honest and providing a score out of ten as to how we are performing in each of 6 major areas of life. In doing so, you might, for example, come up with the following scores:
Personal development – 5/10 | Business & Career – 7/10 |
Health & Fitness – 3/10 | Family & home life – 4/10 |
Social – 8/10 | Spiritual – 2/10 |
Social – 8/10 | Spiritual – 2/10 |
This first step, by itself, provides us with a clue as to where our focus should moving forward – in the above example, it would spirituality, health & fitness as well as family & home life.
In our next article, we’ll discuss what has happened in the past that achieved these current scores and what will happen in the future if things continue as they are.
Until next time, here’s to your wealth, health & happiness!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre –using the power of the unconscious mind to achieve personal growth & success
Ph 1300 983 717
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