Six Major areas of Life - NLP & Hypnosis

In the previous article, we discovered which of our 6 major areas of life will be our priority areas moving forward. In this article, we’ll focus on how NLP and hypnosis can help us achieve our goals & desires in our 6 major areas of life.

The old myths and misconceptions about hypnosis have given way to proven, scientifically sound applications. Today the use of hypnosis is seen in medicine, dentistry, law enforcement, professional sports, goal achievement and education.
NLP, on the other hand, has been called the science of success as it provides many tools for overcoming barriers holding us back in different areas of our lives. It focuses on the study and pursuit of excellence in all endeavours and provides many powerful tools & processes to achieve this.
As both hypnosis and NLP work at the level of the unconscious mind, which is where learning and change occur, then learning or change can be achieved rapidly with these techniques, compared to other modalities.
The system that we use is based on advanced hypnosis and NLP. Both of these systems are completely safe and enjoyable. Like all treatment modalities, each have their own strengths and weaknesses. So by using the best of both modalities, this allows us to achieve the best of both worlds - to provide the best results for our clients in the minimum time possible.
What can NLP & Hypnosis help with?
Here is a short list what NLP and hypnosis can help with:
- Goal achievement
- Maintaining persistence & focus
- Confidence
- Quitting Cigarettes
- Weight loss
- Fears & Phobias
- Stress & Anxiety
- Performance Improvement
- Eliminating/Reducing certain foods & drink
- Eliminating Negative Emotions/Habits (eg Nail Biting)
- Much Much More
So if you’d to have a chat about how we can assist you in achieving your goals & desires, simply call us on 1300 983 717. If you do so within 1 week of receiving this email, you will also receive a complimentary 10% off your first session as well as a powerful stress management/relaxation OR prosperity achievement hypnosis recording – you get to choose which one you’d like to receive!
Until next time, here’s to your wealth, health & happiness!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre –using the power of the unconscious mind to achieve personal growth & success
Ph 1300 983 717
Quit Cigarette/Reach Your Ideal Weight Hyphotherapy NLP Specialist || NLP Master Practitioner || NLP Certification Trainer || Hypnotherapist || || || || || ||

At last - safe, reliable therapies for overcoming a range of issues:
- Quit Smoking
- Weight Loss
- Fears & Phobias
- Stress & Anxiety
- Performance Improvement
- Eliminating/Reducing Certain Foods
- Eliminating Negative Emotions/Habits
- Much Much More
See What Other People Say About Melbourne NLP Hypnosis centre
I Quit ....
Steve M, Qld
Reaching my Ideal Weight ...
Donna B, NSW
I overcame ....
"I was suffering what I describe as mini panic attacks walking 150 metres across the city bridge. This included a need to avoid walking close to people, sweating, irrational thoughts and sometimes running off as I neared the end. ..... As a result of the 1 hour session I can now comfortably walk the bridge and I now have no issues with travelling the escalators."
Rob H, Qld
1300 983 717

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