Virtual Gastric Band Ideal Weight Loss Program
Naturally & Holistically

This Revolutionary System Makes it Easy!
What is the Program?
The Virtual Gastric Band is a remarkable weight reduction program pioneered by Sheila Granger over 10 years ago in the UK. It uses the concept of "virtual gastric" band & clinical hypnosis to successfully harness the power that every individual holds within them to make changes in their lives. Many, many clients have benefitted from the Virtual Gastric band ideal weight program around the world for over 10 years.
In fact, in a recent survey carried out at the 10 year anniversary of launching the program, Sheila found that:
- nearly 10,000 clients have been helped world wide with the program
- the average weight loss per client was 10kg, and
- the total weight loss for all clients was 890,000 kg
Real People - Real Results: - By the end of the program, Graeme had lost 15kg - our target is 5kg! He had this to say about it: "I am glad I used the “Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss” system to learn how to reach my ideal weight because I am a healthier, fitter, happier more confident and much lighter person. I gained so much more than weight loss. Using the NLP presuppositions was both interesting and useful. I tried previously to lose weight but lacked the motivation and will power. Hypnotherapy made eating less and exercising more not only easy but enjoyable. Best way ever to lose weight "
How does it work?
The Virtual Gastric Band (VGB) is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to retrain the client to be satisfied with smaller amounts of food. The clinical hypnotherapy convinces the brain that the stomach is full after only a small intake of food, with the client being comfortable & satisfied with this.
VGB is similar to "flicking a switch in the brain"! It permanently changes your relationship with food & helps you create new habits around eating that dramatically improve your health & well being. Once these new habits are formed by the end of the program, clients can then continue the program on their own on "auto pilot". Just like we wash our teeth morning & evening without thought or question, our clients apply this same behaviour & thinking to continue the program automatically, for as long as they need!
During the program, as their food intake decreases while maintaining or even increasing your physical activity, weight reduces naturally & easily, without dieting. This system is totally safe & produces predictable results that carry ZERO risk.

Real People - Real Results: Some before & after photos
Have You Tried To Lose Weight Before? Chances Are, You Have, Right?
Why didn’t it work long term?
- Did you not have a proven plan to start with?
- Was the pain and effort too much for the small (or no) results you saw?
- Was the program simply too hard to stick with and not practical for you?
- After you started, did you get distracted and go back to your old habits?
- Or some other reason?
Real People - Real Results: Brenda had this to say about our program: "Over most of my adult life, I have tried various weight loss programmes and shakes and having some initial success with weight loss, I was never able to maintain the loss or to get to my ideal weight. But now, following our sessions and having maintained constant weight loss, I feel that with the tools, techniques and guidance that Ian has provided, I am confident that I will be able to reach my goal weight. Thank you Ian." Since beginning the program, Brenda has now lost just over 10kg!
When comparing the virtual gastric band to a real gastric band used in bariatric surgery, they differ in that the virtual version deals with the issues in the client's mind & their relationship with food - something that bariatric surgery cannot do!
A bariatric surgery patient can still overeat and break their band. They also need to eat only pureed food moving forward.
With the virtual gastric band, if necessary, it can be tightened under hypnotherapy if the clients continues to eat too much. No invasive surgery is required & we are treating the root cause psychological problems, not just any physical ones.
Surprisingly, many clients are amazed at how satisfied they feel on the smaller amounts of food they consume & begin to appreciate how much they over ate in the past.
But the benefits of the program do not just relate to losing weight - there are many non-scale benefits that the client also experiences - we call these the non-scale victories. These include, but are not limited to:

Just imagine how your life would improve as you started to achieve even some of these non-scale victories!
Real People - Real Results: By end of our program, Steve lost 8.1kg. Given the momentum he had built by then, he continued following our guidelines & within a month smashed his weight goal target - losing some 14 kgs from when he started! His overall weight target was 95kg & he was now 94kg!
Why don't diets work?
Its been found that up to 90% of people that follow diets lose weight while on the diet, but invariably put the weight back on OR even become heavier once the diet stops!
Many diets involve some type of deprivation or counting calories. By doing this, they all merely serve to program the mind to think even more about food! Consequently, the brain fights it, the body fights it & even the day-to-day environment fights against it!
Conscious self denial for something can often increase the desire for that very thing!
With our program, we focus on eating less than we need - but eating anything we want, which can then lead to weight reduction. Cutting down on our foods, especially the ones that we love, is achievable & sustainable!
Real People - Real Results: Robyn recently completed the program & having lost 7.7kg, had this to say: "Explored weight loss options on various platforms. I have used hypnosis before successfully. So far, losing intial weight & feeling great. Affordable options is great. Enjoyed sessions & learning new techniques. Recommend these programs for people struggling with numerous issues"
The Program empowers the client to:
- Form new habits that they can maintain
- Feel liberated from having to think about food all the time
- Eat consciously & listen to what their stomachs are telling them rather than their minds
Success Rate

The program was developed based on a group trial involving 25 participants over a 3-4 week period. Out of the 25 participants, 24 lost weight! For the whole group, the total weight loss was around 89 kilograms or around 4 kilograms lost per person.
This system has now been used across the globe with great success for over 10 years.
Real People - Real Results: Over the course of the 4 session program, Chris was able to lose 17kg & felt amazing!
What Is Involved?
The program involves four sessions that are designed to bring about a permanent change in a client's eating habits. It focuses on the person the client wants to become.
The program aims to create habits for life that will get you to where you want to be & stay there. It lasts for 6 - 8 weeks.
This results in steady, progressive weight loss - without dieting!
Real People - Real Results: Alison, who lost 8kg during the program when the average weight loss achieved is 5kg, had this to say: “The system has given me ongoing tools & strategies which I can use to carry on until I reach my ideal weight and to maintain it ongoing. I have done all this without medication by believing in the tools and strategies Ian has given me. This in turn, has improved my confidence, my health & my lifestyle. I already feel healthier, fitter, happier and less anxious than I previously was”
What It Is Not

- No gyms
- No treadmills
- No expensive equipment
- No major weights
- No ongoing fees
- No fad diets
- No gimmicks
- No deprivation
- No pills
- No shakes
- No counting calories
- No costly invasive surgery
- No side effects
- No recovery time
- No pain
- No liquid foods
And this is NOT like any other weight loss program.
Real People - Real Results: in his first week on the program, Matthew lost a massive 3.6kg just by following the easy program guidelines!
Nothing To Lose Except Unwanted Weight
How does this system work? A major reason is because of advanced hypnosis. The old myths and misconceptions about hypnosis have given way to proven scientifically sound applications. Today, hypnosis is widely used in medicine, professional sports and education.
The program is also tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.
How does hypnosis work? Our minds work on two levels – the conscious and the unconscious. We make decisions, think and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, we can communicate directly with your unconscious mind. This is why it is so quick and easy to change the habits of a lifetime with hypnosis.
Is this system safe? Completely. This system is based on advanced hypnosis and the latest NLP techniques. These are completely safe. With hypnosis and NLP, you are aware and in control at all times. Hypnosis is not sleep - it is an awake state. You cannot get "stuck" in hypnosis. You cannot be made to reveal anything you don't want to reveal. In fact, you could even tell a lie if you wanted to. You cannot be made to do something against your will. There are no drugs and no unpleasant side effects.
Can anyone be Hypnotised? Almost everyone can be hypnotised as trance is a naturally occurring state we go into up to 120 times per day already! The main thing that someone needs to be hypnotised is a willingness to do so because no one can be hypnotised against their will!

Real People - Real Results: Some before & after photos
At last - safe, reliable therapies for overcoming a range of issues:
- Quit Smoking
- Weight Loss
- Fears & Phobias
- Stress & Anxiety
- Performance Improvement
- Eliminating/Reducing Certain Foods
- Eliminating Negative Emotions/Habits
- Much Much More
See What Other People Say About Melbourne NLP Hypnosis centre
I Quit ....
Steve M, Qld
Reaching my Ideal Weight ...
Donna B, NSW
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"I was suffering what I describe as mini panic attacks walking 150 metres across the city bridge. This included a need to avoid walking close to people, sweating, irrational thoughts and sometimes running off as I neared the end. ..... As a result of the 1 hour session I can now comfortably walk the bridge and I now have no issues with travelling the escalators."
Rob H, Qld
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