Another Case Study for Quit Smoking
In this post we have another case study of a client that has used our program to quit smoking.
John came to see us November 2021 to get some help quitting smoking.
He had tried to quit previously using cold turkey, without success. He admitted that his smoking habit cost him $4-5K pa.
John started smoking when he was 17 years old, as it made him feel older and cooler! He also had many triggers throughout the day when he would smoke, including after meals, with a coffee, other smokers, as a reward, on the phone, having a break or time to think or just when bored or as a time filler.
He admitted he struggled to quit as he lacked willpower to do so, was concerned about gaining weight, he enjoyed smoking and had a close friend who smoked.
John was adamant that he had to quit now as he was very concerned about his current health, he also wanted to live a long healthy life, especially as he had three wonderful kids, and he felt that he was now a slave to the cigarettes.
Given John’s goals & desires to improve his overall health by quitting, we put a plan together to introduce behaviour change & mind management techniques that would help (a) change his daily routine so that it no longer included smoking, (b) learn how to reduce stress using other more powerful techniques, (c) provide numerous ways to handle any withdrawal symptoms, should he experience them, and (d) how to overcome any prolonged thoughts he might get about smoking.
After 42 years smoking, John was able to quit smoking in just a single session, something couldn’t believe he could do.
On the 1/1/22, John wrote to me saying:
Hey Ian
Happy New Year Buddy
I’m still going strong!!


About a year ago, John had this to say about this success with our program:
I recently turned 60 years of age & my only disappointment was that I was still carrying a 40year old habit (Smoking). Over the years I have, like most other smokers , tried to give up, only to fine before I know it in I’m back On. This time I decided to get some REAL help & The results are UNBELIEVABLE!!
Thanks to Dr Ian Kaminskyj @ the Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre, for the first time in 40 years I actually feel free from Smoking. If I had any idea that the results I am now enjoying post Hypnosis, were this easy, I would & should of done this years ago.
I’m FINALY rid of that nagging conscious V subconscious argument in my head & am at complete easy & free. No longer making excuses to light up & most importantly, I can set aside those thought that use to haunt me in the middle of the night. Regarding throat cancer!!
I would ABSOLUTLY recommend Dr Ian Kaminskyj & his successful methods in helping you give up, As he has literally Set me Free.

Congrats again John – what a great result!!
For more details re our powerful quit smoking program, simply visit:
OR call us on 1300 983 717 OR send me an email on
To your quitting success!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717