In today’s quit smoking tip, we’re going to explore our fourth Mindset Tip – Write all your reasons for quitting on an index card
As with any goal, your important, powerful reasons for achieving it are paramount for you to be successful, esp when problems our challenges arise – which are almost guaranteed!
Here is a list of the typical reasons smokers give for quitting:
- Too expensive
- Improve current health
- Improve future health
- Live a long, healthy life
- To be around for my kids, grand kids etc
- Can’t stand the smell
- Can’t stand the inconveience
- I feel like a social leper!
- I hate being a slave to the cigarettes
- My father/mother family member just died of cancer
- I have fallen pregnant
- I have a major operation coming up & I need to quit before it
- I’m looking for a new partner & v few people want a smoker!
- My partner, kids etc keep nagging me to stop
- I hate it
- I’m over it
- I don’t enjoy it anymore
- No one else smokes in my family, friends etc
- People look down on me as a smoker
You get the idea! Keep your list of reasons near you at all times!
If you would like to find out more re our Quit cigarettes in 60 minutes program to help you quit smoking, simply call 1300 983 717 or click on the Book your Free Consultation button to catch up & discuss how this program will benefit you.
To your optimum health & well being
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717