One very powerful approach to quit smoking is to see what has worked for others. One can then analyse what helped them quit smoking and if appropriate, apply it themselves.
To this end, you’ll find below a testimonial from a smoker that used hypnotherapy to help quit smoking. If it worked for her, is there any real reason why it couldn’t work for you?
“It is amazing that I no longer smoke. I was a packet a day smoker for over 10 years. I had tried to quit so many times. If you name a quit method I had tried it. I had given up hope of giving up and just figured I would be a smoker for the rest of my life.
I was told about hypnotherapy and how it would get me to stop smoking. I had nothing to lose so I went to my first session.
I still remember that day, I bought a pack of cigarettes on my way to my session.
One hour later I walked out with a repulsion to the thought of smoking. I have not had another cigarette since. That was three years ago.
The power of hypnotherapy amazes me.
Thank you! I now live everyday free of smoking”
K Hustler, Sandhurst
If you would like to find out more re our Quit cigarettes in 60 minutes program to help you quit smoking, simply call 1300 983 717 or click on the Book your Free Consultation button to catch up & discuss how this program will benefit you.
To your optimum health & well being
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717