You see, we face a stress epidemic today. Experts estimate 90% of all modern disease is caused by or complicated by stress. In addition, 75-90% of all doctor’s visits are due to stress-related ailments.
Stress builds up in the environment and creates a breeding ground for crime, violence, drug abuse and all forms of antisocial behaviour.
In fact, many people smoke, take drugs, drink alcohol, overeat etc as a way to achieve stress reduction.
So what safer, healthier ways to promote stress reduction. In an article I read recently in DUX 2018 about helping school students deal with their exams, I noticed a novel technique which I had not seen before re stress reduction – get a pet!
The article said that a study by researchers at Ohio State University USA found college students may handle stress better if they have a pet. The research showed that students who chose to live with a dog or cat were less likely to report feeling lonely & depressed, something they directly attributed to their pet! They also believed that their pets helped them get through difficult times in life.
So if you need to achieve stress reduction, get a pet today!
If you would like to find out more re our Stress & Anxiety program to help you reduce stress & anxiety in your life, simply call 1300 983 717 or click on the Book your Free Consultation button to catch up & discuss how this program will benefit you.
To your optimum health & well being
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717