Powerful Weight Loss Tip – Case Study 3

Case Study for Weight Loss

Another Case Study for Weight Loss

Carol was determined not to spoil her daughter’s wedding pictures when she embarked on a weight loss program using hypnosis. She was also inspired by the fact that she faced the prospect of potential mid-life illnesses like diabetes and lack of mobility.

She had tried a variety of yo-yo diets without success.

Four months after her first hypnosis session, however, Carol had lost almost 25 kg and found that her whole relationship with food had changed!

In the past, she would buy several chocolate bars whenever she bought petrol for her car and consume them all before she got home! Feeling ashamed of her habit, she started hiding the chocolate she was buying!

Then she started stealing her daughter’s Easter eggs. Then came the wine, chips, takeaways & puddings…..

The hypnosis process, however, had a dramatic effect on Carol, right from the first session.

She immediately began reducing the amount of food she was eating. After losing almost 25 kgs within 4 months,  Carol’s whole relationship with food had changed for the better & left her with a 3 small-meal-day habit, which she is managing to stick to religiously.

She was also able to look awesome at her daughter’s wedding!

Her health benefits include:

  1. Feeling so much better, while having heaps more energy,
  2. No longer having problems with her knee when walking up & down stairs,
  3. Her blood pressure is now starting to regulate itself, and
  4. She no longer fears getting diabetes type 2 – something that her mother currently has.

But her most important benefit has come from her changing mindset re foods.

Previously, the first thing Carol used to think about upon waking was “what can I eat?”. Now she focuses on what she’s going to do with the day & getting the most out of life!

Sometimes, she gets so engrossed in conversations when she goes out to dinner, that she forgets to eat!

Most importantly, Carol now feels that she’s concentrating on the things that really matter now, rather than just food all the time!

Even when on holiday & friends are eating ice creams & other treats in front of her, it doesn’t bother her & she can take pleasure from their enjoyment. She says that everything is so much easier now – even silly things like painting her toenails. She is now also realising just how limiting her weight used to be. She says “I’ve come such a long way & I’ve no intention of slipping backwards this time!. I’m confident that my new-found eating habits are here to stay!”

So what powerful lessons & tips can you glean from this powerful case study for weight loss that can help you achieve your ideal weight goals?

To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj

Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre

1300 983 717