In this last post, we’re going to finish discussing why aerobic activity for weight loss, health & well being is so beneficial.
When you incorporate aerobic activity into your daily routine, your body will support your weight loss goal dramatically!
Nothing will happen on the first day. However after 4 weeks of aerobic activity, such as running or brisk walking, your body will have undergone a major change & will be burning about 5 gms of fat during the same half hour of activity. In 3 months, you body will have changed even more & be burning a massive 25 gms of fat in the same half hour in oxygen surplus!
Over this 3 month period, your body:
- develops more work potential, which means you build more muscle & lose fat!
- has sugar-burning & fat-burning enzymes in the ratio of 90:10, increasing from 50:50 before you started, which is a massive change!
- fat cells will become perforated, porous & pitted, resulting in your body not being able to hold onto the fat anymore, and
- will grow more blood vessels & capillaries. As a result, fat can be transported out of your body much faster!
So run or briskly walk starting today & become a fat-burning machine, while you get your FREE oxygen boost!
Did you know that kids run, jump & dance 10 kms a day! So just become a kid again today & run, jump & dance around. Not only will you be amazed, but also your GP.
To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717