So who said that there are benefits with happiness for weight loss?
In the first post on this topic, we’re going to discuss how the mind & body work together. When your thoughts are positive, your biochemistry is affected in a beneficial way. The more you think positive, so you become. The result is that you attract more positivity & happiness into your life.
This is especially the case given the Law of Attraction. Whatever we put energy & emotion into, we attract more of into our life. Hence the powerful declarations and affirmations that we use as part of our Reach you Ideal Weight program.
So the more happier we become, the more positive emotions and energy we comprise & radiate, the more we attract more of this into our lives.
Of course, the opposite is also true. When we get depressed and negative, our immune systems also gets depressed. Clearly, as the immune system gets more depressed, the greater chance we have of disease.
Put more simply, based on recent findings in the field of Psycho-neuro-immunology research
Feeling Good = Better chance of Health
Feeling Bad = Better chance of your immune system being depleted
Here are some additional interesting results:
Feel good about aging = live 7.5 years longer!
Feeling Bad about aging = live 7.5 years less!
So why not start feeling good for no other reason than to build up your immune system!!
In our next post on this topic, we’ll delve even deeper into the many benefits of happiness for weight loss.
To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717