The Importance of Meditation for Weight loss Pt 4
So how important is meditation for weight loss? As we saw it Parts 1-3 – Very!
In this Meditation for Weight loss post, we’re going to discuss the major benefits of meditation.
The time that you invest in meditation pays big dividends in all the six major areas of life (spiritual, social, personal development, business & finance, Health & Family). The major benefits of meditation include:
1) You start the day motivated & refreshed!
2) Helps you get the most out of your time
3) Improves relationships w/better awareness & sensitive communication
4) Gives peace of Mind
5) Life is more fun
6) Being calm empowers you in all situations
7) Stress levels decrease
8) You fall asleep faster & easier
9) You become less reactive to stressful events
10) You make outcome-based decisions
11) You focus on what you really want
12) You overcome the obstacles preventing you from getting what you want
13) You’re more energized for the day because you are well rested & stress affects you less
14) You feel inspired
15) Spiritual fulfillment
16) Eliminates your negative self-talk
17) Increases you creativity
18) Enables stronger intuition that will guide you in all 6 major areas of your life
19) Helps you accept your positive suggestions and daily declarations/affirmations
20) Helps you reach your Ideal Weight
Given these massive benefits, do everything possible each day to fit in your meditation!
To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717