Powerful Weight Loss Tip – More Yoga

More Yoga for Weight Loss

We saw in our previous post how beneficial is yoga for weight loss? We also listed some of the 33 top physiological & psychological benefits of yoga. Here are the remaining benefits:
  1. Blood pressure decreases
  2. Sleep improves
  3. Concentration improves
  4. Immunity increases
  5. Somatic & kinaesthetic awareness increases
  6. Learning efficiency improves
  7. Self-acceptance & self-actualisation increase
  8. Total cholesterol decreases
  9. Anxiety & depression decrease
  10. Weight normalises
  11. Integrated function of body parts improves
  12. Reaction time improves
  13. Blood circulation improves
  14. Detoxification leads to a delay in the ageing process
  15. Metabolism is balanced
  16. Sexuality improves
  17. The mind-body connection improves
  18. The lymphatic system is stimulated & activated
  19. The level of red blood cells increases
  20. Constipation is eliminated


What an amazing list of benefits! So where are your closest yoga classes?


To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!

Dr Ian Kaminskyj

Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre

1300 983 717