Achieving any worthwhile goal can be challenging at times. One of the best ways to empower yourself to push forward & conquer is through the motivational power of music!
Make a playlist of the songs that are the soundtrack to the most exciting times in your life. Find songs or pieces of music that make you happy & make you want to sing at the top of your lungs,
These songs should uplift you, play them & let them wash away any negativity experienced during the day.
Play these songs when it matters most, such as first thing in the morning when you are looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Play these songs when you are on your way to or from work. Play these songs when you simply want to become motivated & inspired to accomplish your goals & conquer your day!
As you listen to these songs, your mood will be elevated. Picture yourself as succeeding in what is most important to you right now. Do this over & over again. You will find your sound tracks trigger motivation, empowerment & an overall sense of wellbeing subconsciously & automatically. I play my favourite music regularly to bring about a better mood on cue!
In NLP terminology, these become anchors – conditioned response to specific stimuli. These can be very powerful in invoking a powerful state of being whenever you need or want to.
So what will your playlist be made up of to utilise music for weight loss?
To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717