These facts tell us why obesity is a such a prevalent problem in Australia & the reason we need to do what we can to avoid it.
Did you know that a whopping 60% of Australian adults are either overweight or obese!!
Obesity has been linked to higher rates of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, asthma & arthritis as well as high blood pressure & raised cholesterol. Every year, however, more & more diseases are being linked to obesity, including gallbladder disease, gall stones & fatty liver disease. It is thought that osteoarthritis is possibly a result of excess, as well as gout.
Pulmonary breathing problems, including sleep apnea as well as reproductive problems in women are more frequent among people who are carrying excessive weight.
Did you know that one out of two deaths each year is caused by heart disease!
So if you want to improve both the quality & quantity of your life, know these obesity facts for weight loss & do everything you can to get back to your ideal weight ASAP!
To your optimum health, well being & ideal weight!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717