Every month, we share a case study in our newsletter entitled Secret Success Strategies of a client that has come to see us with a challenge. In this blog, we share a recent Quit Smoking Client Case Study from our March 2024 edition, which can be accessed by clicking here.
Anthea came to see us around the middle of 2022 to get some help to finally quit smoking for good, after she’d been smoking for almost 50 years. She was one of first online clients, having her session using the Zoom platform.
She started smoking when she was only 11 years old, essentially due to peer pressure, as her whole family smoked!
She smoked up to 10 cigarettes per day typically having one before bed, after meals, with a coffee, when drinking, with other smokers, when stressed, as a reward, on the phone gas bagging, having a break or time to think, relaxing or when bord or as a time filler.
Anthea had previously tried using Champix twice to quit, without long term success. She had also tried hypnosis to quit, but again, she wasn’t successful long term. Given these failures, this time, she was determined to be successful for good.
Her main reasons for quitting included:
- Dramatically improve her current level of health,
- Live a long healthy life,
- Be around for as long as possible for her kids, and
- She was sick and tired of not being able to give up!
Given Anthea’s her deep determination to quit for good this time, we put a plan together to introduce behaviour change & mind management techniques that would help (a) change her daily routine so that it no longer included smoking, (b) learn how to reduce stress using other more powerful techniques, (c) provide numerous ways to handle any withdrawal symptoms, should she experience them, and (d) how to overcome any prolonged thoughts she might get about smoking.
After smoking for almost 50 years, Anthea was able to quit smoking online in just a single session, something that shocked her but pleased her very deeply!
At the end of our session, she felt great as a non-smoker and was very determined to stay that way for good.
When I caught up with her at the end of 2022 to help her better manage her stress and anxiety. she still happily a non smoker and loving it!

What an amazing outcome for Anthea – congratulations!!
For more details re our powerful quit smoking program, simply visit: https://www.melbournenlphypnosiscentre.com.au/mnhc-quit/
OR call us on 1300 983 717 OR send me an email on ian@melbournenlphypnosiscentre.com.au
By doing our quit smoking program, you could then become our next Quit Smoking Client Case Study!
To your success!!
Dr Ian Kaminskyj
Melbourne NLP Hypnosis Centre
1300 983 717